Marketing Archive

Tips for Employing a Chatbot on Your Website

The idea behind using a chatbot is very appealing. All businesses want to provide excellent service to their customers but offering live help at all hours of the day and night is hugely expensive. Employing the use of a chatbot to offer a similar experience at a fraction of the …

5 Ways AI can Revolutionize Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence is no longer a thing of the future. The sophistication of AI and machine learning is well beyond our grasp. Consider that a Google AI recently created its own AI baby, which was more advanced than any other AI application created by humans.     Fortunately, AI is …

The Power of Visual Content Marketing

There is no shortage of marketing techniques in this day and age. In 2017, you can market a business any way you see fit, and that includes the poo-pourri video. You see, the tools at your disposal will help you make a stink if you use them right. But, you …