Blogging Tools Archive

Important Google Adsense Links to Bookmark

Most of the bloggers and webmasters are earning money from Google Adsense as it is one of the most trusted PPC networks. But there are lots of questions and queries of every Adsense publisher and sometimes in an emergency they have to search for important Google Adsense links, so you …

Top 10 Hottest WordPress Themes for 2017

The best thing about WordPress is that you get the liberty and the luxury to play around with countless themes. However, you cannot blindly go about picking a theme without considering the nature of your business and how you want to display/convey things to your audiences. It’s safe to say …

Learn All About Web Push Notifications

The new trend in social media marketing which has started showing exponential growth is “web push notifications“. Website push notifications are generally messages which are sent by the website owners to the browser of subscribers. It is generally a pop-up type clickable message, though not annoying, to let subscriber know …