How to Make a Website Design That Will Not Sell | Common Mistakes

The appearance of the selling site does not have to be the embodiment of the latest trends in web design and shine “beauty” at every step. In fact, everything is much easier, but sometimes it is this convenient simplicity is the hardest to achieve. “Design online store” should be harmonious, unobtrusive and aimed at achieving maximum convenience for the user. You need to understand that a clear allocation of resources and delegation of work to professionals in their field are among the key principles of building a successful business. Design online store should not just like, it should generate sales.


How to Make a Website Design


On the quality of design, its compliance with modern requirements and usability of the online store to pay attention in the first place, because just to attract a visitor is not enough – you need to also keep him, interested and encouraged to make a purchase. Let’s consider what mistakes are most often made by site owners of online stores, ignoring the principles of the selling design.


Lack of necessary information


Designing a website with classical, logically justified scenarios of user behavior allows you to find and eliminate errors that may negatively affect the conversion. Buyer may be interested in your online store, but if it takes too long to find it in the catalog, it is likely that it will simply go back to the search engine and move to your competitor. Elements that help a potential customer to quickly navigate a site or a particular page should be arranged so that they are always visible to them.

Informativity helps to avoid losing potential profit. That’s why it’s so important to focus on the important places and give the customer something that interests him or her in the first place: detailed product descriptions, blocks of recommended products, promotional products and novelties, sales hits, your benefits, reviews, quality banners, etc.

Calls for action, methods of payment and delivery (Magento 2 Shipping Cost Calculator), guarantees and benefits – the main components that must be entered first on the product page. Navigation of the catalog and the site as a whole should be clear and logical to make it as easy as possible to move the visitor within your online store.


Horrible banners


Yes, exactly the horrible ones, no exaggeration. The problem, when the customer claims and orders the creation of a truly high-quality design online store, and then independently makes banners or order them from an irresponsible artist – quite common. If possible, this should be avoided, because even a thoughtful and modern store can spoil the banners, which were made after the sleeves.

The high-quality banner should attract attention, but at the same time not be intrusive. Care should be taken to ensure that it fits harmoniously into the overall design concept of the online store. The text should not be too shallow not to get lost, and the image itself so that it was immediately clear what we are talking about. And, of course, it should contain a call to action to encourage the visitor to make a transaction.


Saving on the important thing.


Design as a whole, as well as in relation to individual elements – this is the first thing that the user sees when going to the online store site from a search or other source. It makes no sense to save money trying to find a performer cheaper because instead of the expected savings can only get spoiled nerves, lost time and mediocre results. If the budget is limited and there is a need for savings, it is better to buy a quality finished design than to do low-cost development at the expense of quality. The design must be thoughtful, user-friendly and sales-oriented. This, not a price issue, is the main point.

Another saving article is the functionality of the online store. It is not necessary to try to do everything at once, as at the start of the business and at the beginning of its development it is unlikely to be appreciated by visitors.

In general, the above-mentioned shortcomings are often found on the sites of many online stores, and compliance with these “recommendations” is an excellent guide on how to create or improve the design that will not sell. But the secret of success is really simple: a quality and selling design that is trusted by a potential client should be accurate, informative, focused on the target audience and thought through to detail. And certainly, it is not necessary to be engaged in amateurism if it can harm your business.

Improve the design of the online store better gradually, based on market analysis and confirmed data. If the site is already implemented as efficiently as possible, the appearance can not change for a long time, because the conversion is, in fact, no longer raise. Better less and better – in this case, it is quite fair.